Yoonla - Digital Lifestyle Business - Is It Any Good? Quick Review
Yoonla - Digital Lifestyle Business - Is It Any Good? Quick Review Yoonla - Digital Lifestyle Business - Is It Any Good? Quick Review By Zhane Kelly This is a quick review of the Yoonla online digital lifestyle business created by Reno Van Boven. All of the information provided is from my personal experience of trying the business in which I aim to provide a honest perspective on Yoonla & in what this entails for you. This article is not meant to get all technical & confusing for those reading or interested in becoming digital marketing professionals so I try to keep the wording as simple as possible. There are 2 types of accounts: 1) Free- pretty easy to create (like creating an email or Facebook account but can't make money... YET TILL YOU UPGRADE TO... 2) Elite- this is where you really start earning money. Once you followed the 7 steps of creating your elite account (all the hard part is done by Yoonla) & upgraded to elite; you are on your way to earning we...